I hear what you’re saying …

I hear what you’re saying…you are tired of one night stands that leave you sitting in emptiness. Worn down from broken promises that scar your self-esteem with “unworthiness”. Upset because you keep getting played by men who sniffed your desperateness. Hanging out in the shallow end with plastic people who place high values on what’s materialistic, keeping you comfortable in being too lazy to be authentic. Yet your soul cries out for someone who is genuine, grounded and true. But you won’t do the work to go in search of….YOU!

I hear what you’re saying…you want the one who will stimulate your mind and recognize that you are the prize. Treat you like a Queen and make your dreams of true love materialize. That’s fine. But your King will want to see that your words match your lifestyle and that your spirit is in line with the Divine before he says “You’re mine.”

He will want to know if you’re ready to come out of your comfort zone and take a chance on loving a person who challenges you to be your best, pushes you to your greater, holds you accountable to your truth, exposes your emotional blemishes in love with the intention of helping you to heal. Will you allow him to love you without the ghosts of “bad men past” haunting the halls of your heart keeping you fearful and defensive. 
He will want to know if you are willing to walk with him into the deep waters of life that aren’t always calm and many times unpredictable. 

I hear what you’re saying…you are ready to breakup with loneliness. You want who God has for you. If that’s true, then take this time to go in search of the REAL YOU. Find her. Love her. Be kind to her. Treat her well. Accept her. Work on her. Be patient with her. Celebrate her. YOUR KING WILL FIND YOU! And the two of you will embrace a deep love for one another, because you fell in love with you…first.

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